Environmental Awareness
Do you have a project or initiative that could help to increase awareness of environmental issues locally, or that could help your community to become more sustainable?
If so, you may qualify for financial assistance from the Local Agenda 21 (LA21) Environmental Partnership Fund 2017. This Fund promotes sustainable development by assisting small scale, non-profit environmental projects at local level.
Does Your Project Qualify?
Projects should focus on environmental awareness and actions which complement national environmental policies such as those on waste, biodiversity, water conservation and climate change.
A wide variety of projects and schemes have been supported under the Fund in previous years, including community gardens and allotments, compost schemes, rainwater harvesting, biodiversity projects, waste reduction initiatives, educational initiatives and environmental exhibitions.
Lists of previously funded projects can be viewed online at: http://dccae.gov.ie/en-ie/environment/topics/environmental-protection-and-awareness/local-agenda-21-partnership-fund/Pages/default.aspx
Community Groups, Tidy Towns, Schools have successfully completed environmental projects under this scheme.
How to Apply
Contact Environment Section, Roscommon County Council at 090-6637296 or download attached forms below.
Completed application forms should be returned to Environment Office, Roscommon County Council, Aras an Chontae, Roscommon by 5pm, 23 June 2017.
LA21 Application Form 2017.doc (size 97.3 KB)
Signed: Majella Hunt
Director of Service
Roscommon County Council