PPN Structure
The PPN is organised as follows:
All member groups belong to the County PPN, which is organised into 3 Colleges: Community & Voluntary; Social Inclusion; and Environmental.
Community & Voluntary
The Community and Voluntary College is for Member Groups whose main focus is on community responses to local issues and who have activities that promote the overall wellbeing in their community. Examples of Member Groups in this College include Residents’ Associations, Community Councils, Active Retirement Groups, Arts Groups, Youth Groups, etc.
Social Inclusion
The Social Inclusion College consists of Member Groups involved in working to
improve the life chances and opportunities of those who are marginalised in society; those living in poverty; or those in unemployment using community development approaches to build sustainable communities. Examples of organisations in this College include Traveller groups, groups supporting new communities, people with disabilities, mental health and suicide awareness groups, Women’s groups, etc.
The Environmental College consists of Member Groups whose main aims and activities are Environmental (i.e. ecological) protection and / or environmental sustainability. Such activities include permanent protection of wildlife, species specific care, organic horticulture or education, environmental education or protection, environmental sustainability, resource efficiency and recycling, invasive alien species prevention/removal.
As a requirement of the Environmental Pillar, in order to be part of the Environmental College, groups must meet certain specific criteria, provided by the Environmental Pillar.
Most groups (the exception being those who operate only at county level) will also belong to a Municipal District PPN
Roscommon have three Municipal Districts:
- Roscommon
- Athlone
- Boyle
The Secretariat
– Each of the above appoints reps onto a County Secretariat, who co-ordinate the activities of the PPN
- The number of reps from each College is 2
- The number of reps from each Municipal District is 1