What is Public Participation Network (PPN)?

A Public Participation Network (PPN) is a network that allows local authorities to connect with Community and Voluntary, Environmental, and Social Inclusion groups within the boundaries of their administration. The primary purpose of the PPN is to enable the PPN member groups to input into and have their voices heard within the formal decision making structures of the local authority. There are currently 270 members of Roscommon PPN

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1901, 2022

Water Forum Webinar Invitation

webinar on Public Participation in Catchment Management on 3rd February 2022 at 10am – 12:30.   As you may know the draft River Basin Management Plan is currently out for public consultation. As part of [...]

1901, 2022

2022 Wind Farm Community Funds

the 2022 Wind Farm Community Funds (excluding Grousemount Wind Farm) are now open for applications until March 13th, 2022.  For a full list of Wind Farm Community Funds included in this call, please click here. [...]

1612, 2021

The Community Activities Fund (CAF)

  1. Guidelines for Community Activities Fund under CEP 2021 2. Terms and Conditions CAF 2021 2022 The Community Activities Fund (CAF) was announced by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphries T.D. [...]

212, 2021

Roscommon Public Participation Network Members Update Thursday 2nd  December 2021

        Roscommon Public Participation Network Members Update Thursday 2nd  December 2021 Please share this update with your members.   If your group would like to advertise an upcoming event or news piece, [...]

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DEADLINE EXTENDED! New Local Community Safety Partnerships are being established in each Local Authority area in line with the Policing, Security and Community Safety Act 2024. These new Partnerships will build on and replace the existing Joint Policing Committees (JPCs) and will provide a forum for State agencies and local community representatives to work together at local level to act on community concerns. This will facilitate a more holistic forum for discussion, decisions and action on community priorities.Roscommon County Council invites expressions of interest for consideration for appointment as Chairperson of the new Local Community Safety Partnership for County Roscommon. Further details on this post is available on Roscommon County Council’s website. www.roscommoncoco.ie/coco/en/services/community/community-grant-schemes/appointment-of-chairperso... ... See MoreSee Less
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🧙‍♀️ Playday is back! For an exciting and fun-filled Play Day why not head to LoughKey Forest Park & Adventure, #Boyle this Saturday, July 20th from 1pm to 4pm! ✔️ This year’s theme, #‘TimetoPlay,’ promises a day of fun, creativity and movement for all ages. 📍 The event is FREE, whether you’re a child, teenager, adult or caregiver, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. 🙂 Come and be a part of this wonderful #community event, meet new people, and most importantly, take some ‘Time to Play’! 📌 The event is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to enhance the lives of children, young people, adults, families and communities, recognising #diversity and #promotingequality of opportunity. ... See MoreSee Less
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📢 Members of Roscommon County Council's Community and Enterprise section, comprising #SocialInclusion Officer Sheila Coyle and Jody Moylan of Roscommon Public Participation Network together with representatives of Roscommon Leader Partnership welcomed Minister of State at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Anne Rabbitte to officially launch the WorkAbility Project: Work Links Roscommon 2024-2028 at The Cube Flexi Space, Roscommon Town. 📍 The programme funds projects providing pathways to employment for people with disabilities through education, training, and support. ✔️ The initiative targets individuals aged 16 and over who are distant from the labour market and emphasises employer engagement and capacity building. 📌 Co-financed by the #EUEmploymentProgramme and the Department of Social Protection, the programme aims to improve employment prospects and build partnerships among stakeholders. 🙂 Pictured at the event were - Back row (L-R) Eoin Mannion (HR manager, Hodson Bay Hotel Group), Jody Moylan (Roscommon PPN, #Roscommon County Council), Glen Kildea (Hodson Bay Group), Cllr Domnick Connolly, Dónal Walsh (Galway and Roscommon ETB). Front row (L-R) Martina Earley (Roscommon LEADER Partnership), Sheila Coyle (Social Inclusion Officer, Roscommon County Council), Minister Anne Rabbitte, Senator Eugene Murphy, Julie Doughty (Pobal) ... See MoreSee Less
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Applications open on July 29th for Community Centres in Roscommon ... See MoreSee Less
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