Roscommon PPN received two nominations for the Social Inclusion seat on the Housing & Corporate SPC. Candidate profiles below.

Voting Cards have been sent to all groups registered under the Social Inclusion Electoral College. Votes must be returned to Roscommon PPN Unit 12, Tower B, Roscommon West Business Park, Golf Links Road, Roscommon by Friday May 5th 2017. Please contact Brenda on 086 0478616 or if your group hasn’t received this.


Candidate Profiles


Mary Ganley

Mary Ganley has been affected by a disability that has seen her use a wheelchair since her childhood. She is employed by Roscommon Disability Support Group since 1989 and as a Community Employment Supervisor for the past 20 years. The CE Scheme provides supports for people with disabilities and older people in Roscommon and surrounding areas. Mary has been an advocate and campaigner for Rural Transport and Housing for the disabled for many years and represented RSG and the Disability sector on the Strategic Policy Committee for Housing, Social, Cultural and Community. She is currently sitting on the Youth and Family Support Planning Group. She was also on the Social Inclusion Measure Working Group with the County Development Board and was involved in the Social Car Scheme in Ballaghadereen before it was absorbed into Rural Transport Initiative.  Mary is well capable of bringing her wealth of experience both personally and as advocate to so many people affected by disability or ageing in Co. Roscommon. This is because she understands how people can be affected by decisions that are made without consultation of people with disabilities.

Maria Harris

Maria Harris has experience working with Roscommon Women’s Network for over 10 years. She is involved with the setup of Roscommon Women’s Manifesto group which aims to influence policy at a local level. Maria has experience of connecting at grass roots level with individuals within the community while also addressing issues at a strategic level. Maria is very interested and aware of relevant issues in the housing pillar. Maria is very committees to the PPN and will attend relevant events. She has good organisational skills and is currently secretary of the Oran Ladies Football Club. A member of Castlerea Town Team and chairperson of Oran Health Clubs.