“Roscommon County Council are embarking on the process of reviewing the current Roscommon County Development Plan 2014-2020, and preparing a new County Development Plan that will shape the future growth of the County for the period of 2021 – 2027.


If you would like some information as to what a County Development Plan is please take a look at this video https://youtu.be/kus7wBEAx5Q


This Plan–making process is a collaborative one and we will be looking for your views to inform the next County Development Plan.


A dedicated website for the preparation of the County Development Plan can be accessed at the following link: www.rosdevplan.ie This website will provide information on all things relevant to the review of the Roscommon County Development Plan. If you would like to make a submission, take an on-line survey and get involved in the process this can all be done on the website.


The first step in the Pre-Draft Public Consultation phase is the publication of the Issues Paper and an invitation to make submissions. The issues paper can be downloaded from the website and you are invited to make a submission in relation to how you would like to see Co. Roscommon develop in the future. Submissions should:

  • Relate to the proper planning and sustainable development of Co. Roscommon, from broad policy issues to specific types of development in identified areas.
  • Should not include zoning proposals at this pre-draft stage. Any submission requesting or proposing the zoning of any land for any use will not be considered at this stage.
  • Include a map if you refer to particular locations or features.
  • Be in one medium only i.e. hard copy or online. This will avoid the duplication of submission reference number and will streamline the process.


Submissions must be received by Roscommon County Council no later than 4.30pm on 31st July 2020 and late submissions will not be accepted.


You can make your submission online following this link: https://www.rosdevplan.ie/submissions/




by hard copy to:

County Development Plan Review,

Forward Planning,

Planning Department,

Roscommon County Council,

Aras an Chontae,


F42 VR98


Please note these submissions will be published along with your name in accordance with the Planning & Development (Amendment) Act 2018. Your contact details will not be published.


You are requested to include your name and address on a separate page to the content of your submission in order to assist Roscommon County Council in complying with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, as submissions are legally required to be published on line.


We also created an online survey which people can take. It should only take a minute and will give us an idea of some of the issues that are in the county and how we might address them. The survey can be taken on the website and by following this link: https://arcg.is/1X4HHT0


In an effort to get more young people involved in the public consultation process, we have also created a school activity pack which can be downloaded from the website here: https://www.rosdevplan.ie/stage-1-pre-draft/stage-1-pre-draft-public-consultation/ We would encourage all school children to get involved in this.


We will be adding more initiatives for people to get involved over the next few weeks. If you want to keep informed you can check the website, www.rosdevplan.ie and you can follow us on Twitter using @rosdevplan.”