There are two elements to this scheme in 2020 as follows:


1.  Town and Village Renewal Scheme

This scheme aims to rejuvenate rural towns and villages with a focus on supporting public realm type activities and the enhancing of town centre amenities, particularly where this aids the social or economic recovery of a town or village. All projects must be in a position to commence as soon as approval is granted and be capable of being delivered within a 12 to 18 month period. Closing date for expressions of interest: 5pm Friday 3rd July 2020.


2.  Town and Village Accelerated Covid 19 Measure

The objective of the Accelerated Measure is to assist the delivery of projects that address the short-term challenges of increasing footfall in rural villages and towns and assisting local businesses/communities to adapt to public health requirements, particularly social distancing.

The maximum level of funding per project is €25,000, funding of €40,000 will be considered for a small number of high impact projects. Closing date for expressions of interest: 5pm Wednesday 24th June 2020


Roscommon County Council now invites expressions of interest for consideration and may select a number of proposals for development into detailed applications to be submitted to the Department for assessment. In order to facilitate communities in preparing an expression of interest, full details of the schemes are available at the following links:

2020 Town and Village Renewal Standard Scheme Outline.docx.pdf (size 728 KB)

2020 Town and Village Accelerated COVID 19 Measures Scheme Outline.docx.pdf (size 728.2 KB)


To submit your Expression of Interest online via My Online Services  select the relevant link below: 

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020 – Apply Now

Town and Village Accelerated Covid-19 Measure – Apply Now

Late submissions will not be considered.

Any queries relating to the application process or  eligibility for the scheme can be emailed to



Majella Hunt,

Director of Services


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