2020 funding for communities, water and wildlife
The Community Water Development Fund 2020 was launched at the inaugural ‘Rivers Trusts and Catchment Partnerships Conference’ in the Hudson Bay Hotel, Athlone on Saturday 30th November 2019.
The fund is open to all community and voluntary groups who want to get involved in the protection and restoration of a healthy water environment in their local area. The fund is also open to Rivers Trusts and Catchment Partnerships. There is a growing move towards the formation such groups in Ireland, whereby local groups are becoming more actively involved in the management of a local water body and the wider catchment area. Improvements in the water environment delivers multiple benefits for health and well-being, wildlife and the local economy.
The Community Water Development Fund is administered by the Local Authority Waters Programme on behalf of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. The closing date for applications submitted by post or email is Friday, 7th February 2020 at 5.00 pm.
A new development for 2020 provides for online applications via www.lawaters.ie The deadline for online applications is extended to Tuesday, 11th February 2020 at 8.00 pm. To encourage applications via the new online facility a draw will take place, for online applicants only, with one lucky group receiving a prize of €500.
Examples of the types of projects include:
- Capital projects, such as: river and lake restoration; habitat conservation and restoration; natural flood mitigation measures.
- Public awareness and education; local events such as biodiversity days; surveys, training and workshops; ecology surveys; etc.
- Local amenity benefits, such as: beach clean-ups; improving amenity areas; bird watching facilities; etc.
Grants awarded will range from up to €5,000; up to €10,000 and up to €25,000.
The total fund is capped at €225,000 for 2020.
The online application process can be accessed at www.lawaters.ie
Application Form and Guidance Notes in respect of the Community Water Development Fund 2020 are available to download in pdf format at www.lawaters.ie or by contacting the Local Authority Waters Programme at 0761 06 6230 or email to funding@lawaters.ie