Another Chance to Tell Us What Your Vision is for Your Community

Roscommon PPN ran a consultation workshop in Boyle recently to ask groups to develop their vision for community wellbeing in the Boyle Municipal District.

This workshop asked groups to identify what they would like to see in their communities under 6 Wellbeing Headings including: Health; Environment & Sustainability; Values Culture & Meaning; Participation Democracy & Good Governance; Social & Community Development; and Economy & Resources.

We’d like to thank everyone that came to the workshop and we’re attaching a report of the responses we received.

Online Consultation

We want to hear as many voices as possible to help us understand what factors are needed for community wellbeing in the Boyle Municipal District for this and future generations, so we are running an online consultation for those of you who couldn’t attend the workshop (and for the groups that did attend to add anything they thought of since).

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey by clicking on the following link. 

This survey will close on Monday April 9th.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Brenda McNicholas PPN Resource Worker on 0906665735 / 0860478616